Sunday, January 31, 2010

Angor Wat

It really is difficult to express the size of the thing. We rented a tuk tuk for the day and cruised kilometers around the site, going from temple to royal p
alace to bigger temple. It's eery, looking a millenium into the past and seeing these huge hulks of a faded civilisation.

It's also a long day -- and literally thousands of tourists everywhere.
Ingrid feels this is the proper way to see the place, since there would have been thousands there during its heyday.

After a 12-hour walk through the ruins yesterday, we are taking today off -- Ingrid has a sore back and we both have sore feet. Apparently the way you deal with such physical discomfort is shopping, which is what we now have planned for the day.

And I know this will not resonate much in February in Canada -- but it is way too hot here. Drinking copious amounts of water, wearing hats and 30 sunscreen and seeking the shade and welcoming the breeze -- I expect little sympathy, but do yearn a bit for some cold clear skies and the crisp feeling of a fresh wind!

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